Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 60

"Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him."

Text: 1 John 3:6


Sin must be resisted strenuously. Sin must be fought with all our might. If sin reigns in our life, then it is questionable whether one knows the Lord Jesus at all.

“Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.”
1 John 3:6

1. “Whoever sins”

a) This verse must be read together with the first part of the sentence.
i) It is not a reference to a person who sins from time to time.
ii) It is not a reference to one who buckles under tough circumstances in life.
b) “Whoever sins”
i) This is a reference to the person who is obviously not abiding in Christ.
ii) This person sins habitually.
iii) He has allowed sin to reign in his life.
iv) Sin now controls him.
v) He is a slave to sin. (Romans 6:12-18).

2. “Has neither seen Him nor known Him”

a) The apostles of Christ may be cited as examples.
b) They had both seen Christ and known Him.
c) They certainly were taught to abide in Christ.
d) But did they sin?
e) Yes!
i) They failed to exercise faith.
ii) They even deserted Him when Jesus was captured.
f) However, they recovered and were restored to the Lord.

3. Those who did not truly come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

a) They are well described here. They had “not seen Him nor known Him”.
b) These are under the power of sin.
c) Sin reigns in their life.
d) Obviously they do not abide in Christ at all.