Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 77

"If our heart condemns us..."

Text: 1 John 3:20


The heart can feel great elation. But it can also struggle against feelings of self-condemnation. These are common feelings we struggle with all our life. We have a very encouraging word here that was written to bring uplift to the heart.

“For if our heart condemns us,
God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.”
1 John 3:20

1. “For if “

a) John writes hypothetically here.
b) He writes about feelings of the heart that are commonly experienced.
c) He does not have anyone in mind particularly.

2. “If our heart condemns us”

a) Even kings were not spared.
b) Nor the psalmists.
c) Nor the mighty apostles.
i) King David defeated by sin sought cleansing from God (Psalm 51).

ii) The Psalmist Asaph struggled with being overwhelmed (Psalm 77).

iii) The Apostle Paul shared candidly his struggles with sin (Romans 7:14-25).

d) But we may be able to rise up and defeat our feelings of self-condemnation.

3. “God is greater than our heart”

a) God is the ultimate Judge.
b) If He does not condemn us than we must not be overwhelmed by our heart’s condemnation.
c) God in His greatness
i) Provides atonement for our sins.
ii) Grants grace and mercy and He forgives.
iii) Grants strength to help us overcome all our sins.

4. “And knows all things”

a) God understands that we are but flesh (Psalm 103:14).
b) He does not deal with us according to our sins (Psalm 103:10).
c) He who is our God will abound toward us in mercy (Psalm 103:8-9).