Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 87

"You are of God, little children..."

Text: 1 John 4:4


How wonderful to have this uplifting word of encouragement from the Apostle John!

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them,
because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4

1. “You are of God, little children”

a) “Little children”
i) This is a term of great affection.
ii) John’s heart of love was truly immense!
b) “You are”
i) It may not seem very significant in the English translation.
ii) But in the Greek text, great emphasis was placed on these words.
iii) Literally translated… “You, you are”.
c) “Of God”
i) To highlight that our “origin” is from God.
ii) Special sense of “belonging” to God as well.

2. “And have overcome them”

a) The pronoun “them” is a reference to the antichrists.
b) We do not need to fear any antichrist.
c) We do not need to fear many antichrists.
d) Because we belong to the Lord as His children.
i) We have overcome the antichrists.
ii) We are not victims.
iii) We are victors!

3. The challenge

a) To live without fear of antichrists.
b) To live victoriously.
c) To live with great joy that we are the Lord’s children.
d) We belong to Him in a special way and He will keep us.