Daily Devotions

1 Peter

1 Peter 
Day 1

"Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ"

Text: 1 Peter 1:1


The idea of forming a Church was first introduced by the Lord Jesus Christ. This information was communicated to only three Disciples, Peter and two brothers, James and John at Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13-20). They did not fully comprehend what Jesus really meant till much later. But they knew that Jesus would be personally involved in making the Church a very strong institution!


Peter and his fellow-apostles and a faithful band of disciples founded the first Church (Acts 1). The Church had the blessing of God and the Spirit of God was given to all those who believed in Jesus as Saviour and Lord!

The Church swiftly grew from 120 to 3000 and shortly after to 5000 (Acts 2:41; 4:4). The believers were committed to growing their faith in the Lord. The Church kept growing in spirit and in numbers.


The growth of the Church was alarming to the religious leaders of the day. The leaders felt threatened. They began to persecute Christians and the Church. The persecution escalated significantly.

“Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To the pilgrims of the Dispersion
in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.”
1 Peter 1:1

1. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ”

a) Customary practice
i) To state the name of the author, and
ii) His relationship to the Lord.
b) Peter as an individual
He was well-known to many if not all believers in the Church in Jerusalem.
c) “Peter, an apostle”
i) He was appointed an Apostle by the Lord Jesus Himself (Matthew 10:1-4).
ii) He and his fellow-apostles were empowered and authorised to represent the Lord Jesus Christ.
iii) Peter wrote his Epistles, conscious of his position as an apostle of Christ.

2. “To the pilgrims of the Dispersion”

a) The word “pilgrims” is the antonym of “citizens”.
b) Believers were forced to flee to other countries.
c) They fled to countries where they could find some measure of safety.
d) The word “dispersion” (diaspora) would describe how they had to flee from their hometowns.
Believers shared their faith wherever they found themselves.
e) Some of these areas were Roman colonies.
i) Rome’s law would offer some safety.
ii) It was natural to flee from obvious death threats.