Daily Devotions

1 Peter

1 Peter 
Day 14

"At the revelation of Jesus Christ"

Text: 1 Peter 1:7b


The first time Jesus came, we celebrate as Christmas. He had been sent to become our Saviour, thus His name was called “Jesus”. He was also called “The Christ”, because God had anointed Him to fulfil His great plan of redemption.


Peter described the second coming of Jesus as “the revelation of Jesus Christ”.

“That the genuineness of your faith,
being much more precious than gold that perishes,
though it is tested by fire, may be found
to praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 1:7

1. “Tested by fire”

a) Our faith would be tested by fire.
b) The fiery trials would purify and refine our faith in the Lord.
c) It would be a “genuine faith,” that is, “a tested and proven faith”.

2. “May be found”

a) What would be found after the various tests of fire?
i) Our genuine faith.
ii) A true faith will come forth as better than gold.
b) To whom would it matter?
i) To the Lord Himself.
ii) He is the One who has given faith to us.

3. “The revelation of Jesus Christ”

a) This is a special description of the second coming of Christ.
b) Peter called it “a revelation”.
i) God would fully reveal the fullness of the glory of Jesus Christ.
ii) He came to be our great Saviour and Lord.
iii) And one day, He would return to the earth in great glory.

4. What would Jesus like to find in believers?

a) He wants to find great faith in those who believe in Him.
b) Only two people were praised by Jesus for having great faith.
i) A Roman centurion Matthew 8:10
ii) A woman of Canaan Matthew 15:28

5. What Jesus would like to find when He returns to earth?

Three things were highlighted about the genuine faith that has been tested by fire:

a) Praise
i) It would be a praise-worthy faith.
ii) It is a well-commended faith.
b) Glory
i) A proven faith is a glorious one.
ii) It would reflect the glory of the One in whom we have placed our faith.
c) Honour
i) It was the Lord who honoured the Centurion and the Woman of Canaan.
ii) The Lord would also honour all whose faith has been proven through testing.