Daily Devotions
1 Peter
"Committed Himself to Him who judges righteously"
Text: 1 Peter 2:23
It is amazing how Jesus could have coped with such intense suffering!
“Who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return;
when He suffered, He did not threaten,
but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously.”
1 Peter 2:23
1. “Who, when He was reviled”
a) The word “reviled” means:
i) To heap reproach.
ii) To hurl abuse.
iii) To malign.
b) And Jesus was severely reviled.
i) Many false accusations were made against Him.
ii) These were all trumped-up charges made up by evil people.
2. “Did not revile in return”
a) He did not retaliate.
b) He kept silent though the verbal abuses kept coming.
3. “When He suffered, He did not threaten”
a) It was terrible to suffer as Jesus did:
i) Verbal abuse
ii) Insults and reproaches
iii) Physical abuse
b) “He did not threaten”
i) He did not defend Himself.
ii) He did not warn of reprisals or repercussions.
iii) There was amazing self-control and restraint.
4. “But committed Himself to Him who judges righteously”
a) What did Jesus actually do?
b) This brief word explains what He did.
i) He committed Himself to His Father.
ii) The Supreme Judge was the LORD God who will judge aright.
1. Of trust in God.
2. Of submission:
a) To God.
b) To the laws of the land (Kings and governors).
c) To suffering.
This is the example that we must admire, embrace and seek to follow after fully!