Daily Devotions

1 Peter

1 Peter 
Day 70

"The end of all things is at hand"

Text: 1 Peter 4:7


Eschatology is a theology term that describes “the end times”. The Apostle Peter had a very acute consciousness of eschatology. This results in the way it affected his writing.

“But the end of all things is at hand;
therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”
1 Peter 4:7

1. “But the end of all things is at hand”

a) The phrase “the end” suggests the following:
i) Life on earth does not go on indefinitely.
ii) There is a terminal point at some juncture.
b) “The end of all things”
i) The end of life.
ii) The end of things as we know it presently.

2. Theological timeline made simple

a) There is great significance in the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) He came to be Saviour and Lord.
c) He will also come again.
d) The “end times” is this period between the first coming and the second coming.

3. “Is at hand”

a) This phrase was one that the Lord Jesus used (Mark 1:15).
i) The time is fulfilled.
ii) And the kingdom of God is at hand.
iii) Peter used the same word that Jesus employed.
b) Significance of this statement:
i) Consciousness of time and its brevity.
ii) Consciousness that must affect the way we live.

4. “Therefore be serious”

a) The inferential particle “therefore”.
i) Knowledge of the end times must affect us.
ii) There must be a greater sense of drive within us.
b) “Be serious”
i) This word is actually drawn from the word “mind”.
ii) The challenge is to be “sober-minded”.
iii) One cannot be frivolous if one knows and believes that the end is near.

5. “Watchful in your prayers”

a) Prayers must be offered
i) Faithfully
ii) Fervently
b) Watchfulness
i) This speaks of alertness to surroundings.
ii) It also speaks of being sensitive to the Lord as He responds to our prayers.