Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 37

"For Adam was formed first..."

Text: 1 Timothy 2:13


The apostle Paul’s theology was anything but shallow. His insights show that he had deep theological perception.

“For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being
deceived fell into transgression.”

1 Timothy 2:13-14

1. Meaning in the order of creation

a) Paul saw meaning in the order of creation.
b) He noted:
i) Adam was formed first.
ii) Then Eve.
c) Significance of this order of creation.
i) Adam has headship.
ii) Eve was not made the head of the family.
iii) In the same way, spiritual headship naturally falls on the men.

2. Meaning in the Fall of Adam and Eve

a) Both fell.
b) However Paul saw meaning in the ways both fell.
c) Eve’s sin
i) Eve’s weakness was in her being so easily deceived by the serpent.
ii) She transgressed because of deception.
iii) She inveigled Adam to sin with her.
iv) She was the primary cause that led to their fall from grace.
d) Adam’s sin
i) He was not deceived by the serpent.
ii) The serpent was cunning enough to know that he should tempt Eve rather than Adam.
iii) Adam’s sin was because he gave in to Eve’s invitation to partake of the forbidden fruit.
iv) Though Adam was not blameless, Paul’s opinion was that Eve seemed to be more blameworthy.