Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 41

"A bishop then must be blameless..."

Text: 1 Timothy 3:2


What is the nature of the office of “the bishop”? An analysis of the word reveals the following:-

1. He must see himself as a faithful servant of the Lord.

2. He is an overseer.

3. He is deeply involved in the growth and development of the church.



As may be expected the demands of the office will heighten expectations of the qualities of the bishop.

“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife,
temperate, sober-minded, of good behaviour, hospitable, able to teach.”

1 Timothy 3:2


1. “A bishop then must be”

a) The word “then” translates an inferential particle (Greek: “oun”).
i) It follows from an understanding of his office as bishop.
ii) It is to be understood as a logical follow-through.
b) The word “must” translates from what is known as an “impersonal verb”.
i) It suggests the idea of being “necessary”.
ii) When used in combination it highlights this necessary emphasis.


2. Seven vital qualities are first highlighted

a) Blameless

The bishop must not be blameworthy. He must be above reproach.

b) “The husband of one wife”

He practices monogamy!

c) “Temperate”

He has good control of himself and alert at all times.

d) “Sober-minded”

He has good sense. He has sound judgment.

e) “Of good behaviour”

He is respectable. His behaviour befits the office of a bishop.

f) “Hospitable”

He must have a heart for people.

g) “Able to teach”

He must have the knowledge to impart to others. He is able to teach the church.