Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 43

"One who rules his own house well..."

Text: 1 Timothy 3:4


The apostle Paul went on to teach Timothy what he should look for when he contemplates appointing someone for the ministry of a bishop.

“One who rules his own house well,
having his children in submission with all reverence.
(for if a man does not know how to rule his own house,
how will he take care of the church of God?)”

1 Timothy 3:4-5


1. Focus on character

a) Timothy was taught how to assess the character of a would-be bishop.
b) This is an important and valid focus.


2. Focus on the running of the household

a) This too is a good and important focus.
b) The household of the would-be bishop must be examined.
i) Does he run his household well?
ii) Do his children have a good relationship with the head of the family?
iii) Is he able to command the respect and attention of his children?
iv) Do they submit to their father with a sense of reverence?


3. Two possible answers

a) The would-be bishop is proven worthy.
i) He has a solid character.
ii) He runs his household well.
b) The would-be bishop fails.
i) He does not possess the qualities of a good spiritual leader.
ii) He does not know how to rule his own household.
iii) His children are not in submission to his role as the head of the family.


4. How will he take care of the church of God?

a) He must lead by example.
b) His example of household leadership must be consistent and positive.
c) If he cannot look after a small family well, how would he be able to look after the house of God?