Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 45

"Moreover he must have a good testimony..."

Text: 1 Timothy 3:7


The apostle Paul added an important last word in his study of the qualities of a would-be bishop. These stringent demands must not be dismissed or taken lightly!

“Moreover he must have a good testimony among
those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach
and the snare of the devil.”

1 Timothy 3:7


1. “Moreover”

a) This word translates a phrase in Greek (“dei de”).
b) Literally translated, “but it is necessary”.


2. “He must have”

a) He is in possession of a good testimony.
b) This is a testimony that persists consistently.


3. “A good testimony among those who are outside”

a) “A good testimony”
i) This was first noted by the apostles of the church in Jerusalem (Acts 6:3).
ii) Paul highlights this as well.
b) “Among those who are outside”
i) This testimony is measured by what people say outside the church.
ii) It goes without question that the prospective bishop already has a good reputation in the church.


4. “Lest he fall into reproach”

a) The word “reproach” is only one possible meaning derived from the Greek text (“oneidismon”).
b) This word can also be translated as “disgrace,” or “shame” or even “insult”.
c) If a person of bad reputation is appointed “bishop” it could lead to “disgrace” or “shame”.
d) The name of the Lord and the Church must be carefully guarded at all times, and in every way.


5. “And the snare of the devil”

a) The devil would seize every opportunity to hurt the name of the Lord.
b) He can ensnare the individual and the church.
c) He can bring the name of the Lord and the church into disrepute.
d) Paul could not but see this as part of spiritual warfare.