Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 46

"Likewise deacons must be reverent..."

Text: 1 Timothy 3:8


The apostle Paul went on to write about another office that had become distinct- the diaconate. The work or ministry of the deacon is slightly different. The word “deacon” would suggest that his office has to do with labour. This office was set up to assist the apostles and bishops in their ministry of overseeing the work of the church. They may be compared to the Levites in the Old Testament.

“Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued,
not given to much wine, not greedy for money.”

1 Timothy 3:8


1. A similar set of criteria established

a) We have another set of qualities.
b) It is best to compare the two lists.
i) For the bishops
ii) For the deacons


2. A key word employed

a) The link between the two sets of criteria is the word translated “likewise” (Greek “hosautos”).
b) It is literally an adverb.
c) It is a comparative particle.
i) The offices are compared.
ii) The qualities are compared.
d) The office of the deacon may be “lesser” in terms of scope as compared to that of the bishop.
e) But careful attention must be given to the people who are considered for appointment to the office of a deacon.


3. Four initial qualities highlighted

These qualities were highlighted appropriately. Anyone desirous of serving the Lord well must have good attributes.

a) Reverent

The deacon must be respectable and honourable.

b) Not double-tongued

Literally, it means that he must not speak two different words at the same time.

c) Not given to much wine

This is a phrase in Greek to describe a person who must not be fond of wine. It hints at an addiction to drinking.

d) Not greedy for money

This is a person who is dishonest. His main thought is how to obtain money, even if it is dishonest gain.