Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 79

"Some have already turned aside after Satan..."

Text: 1 Timothy 5:15


The apostle Paul must have felt compelled to give instruction concerning younger widows. His years of experience stood him in good stead. His wisdom is to be noted and appreciated.

“Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry,
bear children, manage the house, give no opportunity
to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
For some have already turned aside after Satan.”
1 Timothy 5:14-15

1. “Therefore I desire”

a) The interferential particle “therefore” suggests two main ideas:-
i) That Paul had carefully considered many factors.
ii) That he has come to a conclusion after careful consideration.
b) Paul’s desire
i) Paul expresses a wish (Translated: “desire”).
ii) Of course he cannot actually give a command.


2. “That the younger widows marry”

a) Paul offers a good goal to be considered carefully- “marriage”.
b) They could bear children.
c) They could devote time to management of the household.


3. A major consideration

a) To give no opportunity to Satan to speak against them.
b) Satan is described as “an adversary”.
i) He is indeed an enemy.
ii) Given an opportunity he would use it to attack their testimony.


4. “For some have already turned aside after Satan”

a) This is a sobering thought.
b) It was probably because Paul had seen this before and hence his admonition.
c) “Turned aside after Satan”
i) These young widows have followed the ways of the world.
ii) They are no longer conscious of following after the Lord.