Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 92

"If anyone teaches otherwise..."

Text: 1 Timothy 6:3


Even in the first century there were people who resisted the doctrines of the Lord Jesus and His apostles. This problem is probably worse in our day and age.

“If anyone teaches otherwise and does not consent to wholesome words,
even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and to the doctrine which accords with godliness.”
1 Timothy 6:3

1. “If anyone teaches otherwise”

a) Paul was aware that there were people who taught differently.
b) The phrase “teaches otherwise” may be understood in this way:
i) The phrase is a translation of a single word.
ii) The word “other” suggests that it is a different kind of teaching.
iii) It is not just an additional view or insight.
iv) This word was used by Paul to describe false teachers (Galatians 1:6).
v) Paul resisted the spread of the different gospel everywhere he went.
vi) He recognised the danger it posed to the church and to the individual.


2. The characteristics of Paul’s teachings

a) Wholesome words
i) They are “healthy”.
ii) They promote good spiritual health.
b) The words of the Lord Jesus Christ
i) The words of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be seen as the yardstick.
ii) Paul was conscious that his teachings well reflected that taught by the Lord Jesus.
iii) All doctrines must be measured against the teachings of the Lord Jesus.
c) The doctrine which accords with godliness.
i) Godliness must be part and parcel of true teachings.
ii) Teachings must promote godliness.
iii) The doctrines Paul taught always accorded with godliness.



False teachers would always be around. The challenge to Timothy was to know his doctrines so well that he could easily detect false teachings. There is no room for false teachings in the Church.