Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 5

"The sufferings of Christ..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 1:5


Almost instinctively, we fear suffering. We tend to cushion our life as much as possible to avoid suffering. Paul offers a different perspective and approach to the problem of suffering.

“For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us,
so our consolation also abounds through Christ.”
2 Corinthians 1:5

1. Suffering in life

a) Suffering is a part of life.
b) Tribulation (trouble) may be seen as a part of the reality of suffering.
c) Suffering comes as a result of a number of things:
i) The harsh world in which we live in.
ii) The problem of sin and how it affects our lives.
iii) The wrong decisions we make in life and the consequences.

2. Sufferings of Christ

a) This is an entirely different matter.
b) Christ had no sin of His own.
c) He suffered for different reasons:
i) To identify with human suffering.
ii) As a result of the evil plots of sinful people.
iii) To bear the sting of death on our behalf.

3. “Sufferings of Christ abounds in us”

a) Believers may have to suffer for righteousness’ sake.
b) In identification with Christ, we may be persecuted by people who may oppose our faith.
c) There may be sufferings and they may even abound.

4. “So our consolation also abounds through Christ”

a) The word “consolation” is the same word as “comfort”.
b) We will find abounding comfort in and through Christ.
i) We draw comfort from the example of how Christ endured suffering.
ii) The comfort that Christ gives is truly “abounding”.
iii) God is still comforting us… through Christ Jesus.
iv) This was one of the reasons why God sent Christ to us in the first place.

Let us indeed be challenged to find much comfort in God through Christ the Lord!