Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 190

"Since you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 13:3


It is not wrong to seek proof from anyone who comes in the name of the Lord. The need to be very sure of the authenticity of a servant of God is fundamental. This was taught by Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-21). The Lord Jesus Himself taught His disciples to be careful and to be watchful. A person is known by the fruit he bears in his life (Matthew 7:15-23).

“Since you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me,
who is not weak toward you, but mighty in you.”
2 Corinthians 13:3

1. “Since you seek a proof of Christ speaking in me”

a) The word “proof” has a number of nuances.
i) It is something proven.
ii) It is something that is undeniably true.
iii) The person has been tested and proven to be true.
b) “Christ speaking in me”
i) Anyone can claim that Christ is speaking in him.
ii) Paul claimed to be an apostle of Christ.
iii) He would have to prove that he was indeed a true apostle of the Lord.

2. “Who is not weak toward you”

a) Paul had to bear with physical infirmity (thorn in the flesh).
b) But he was never weak in a number of things:
i) Not weak in faith
ii) Not weak in courage
iii) Not weak in spirit
iv) Not weak in ministry
v) Not weak theologically
c) The phrase “toward you”
i) It is found in the NKJV Greek text.
ii) It is an important phrase to note.
iii) Paul was never weak in his ministry in Corinth. He maintained a strong approach towards preaching and establishing of the church.

3. “But mighty in you”

a) The preposition “in” may be better understood as “among” (among you).
b) Paul was ever a mighty apostle of the Lord, wherever he was sent to serve.