Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 81

"By the Holy Spirit..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:6


Paul shared more about the many experiences he had as he served the Lord.

“By purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering,
by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love.”
2 Corinthians 6:6

1. “By purity”

a) We are reminded of what the Lord Jesus taught
“Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8).

b) Purity in a servant of God
i) In motive for preaching the word of God.
ii) Evidenced in integrity of life and ministry.

2. “By knowledge”

a) On the one hand, this is revealed by the Spirit of God (Ephesians 3:3-5).
b) On the other hand, the individual must do his utmost to learn well.
c) The advice of the Lord Jesus must be recalled.
i) He who has ears to hear, he must train him to listen well (Mark 4:9, 23).
ii) One must take heed what one hears (Mark 4:24).
iii) To the one who hears, more will be given (Mark 4:24).

3. “By longsuffering”

a) Patience is greatly needed for effective ministry.
b) There are many tough times and situations in real-time ministry which will try anyone’s patience.

4. “By kindness”

a) This is an expression of mercy.
b) It is closely associated with a heart of love.

5. “By the Holy Spirit”

a) The ministry of the Spirit of God is indispensable.
b) Paul was most conscious of reliance upon the power of the Holy Spirit in life and ministry.

6. “By sincere love”

a) This love must come from the Lord.
b) Firstly, it has to be proven genuine.
c) It must then be cultivated carefully (1 Corinthians 13:1-8).