Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 87

"I speak as to children."

Text: 2 Corinthians 6:13


Paul wore many hats. He was an Apostle, a Missionary, a Defender of the faith, writer and a Founder of churches. But on top of all that, he was also a father to many. It was with deep sadness that he had to write 1 and 2 Corinthians. The father-children relationship had been adversely affected by false teachers. These had sown seeds of discord between Paul and the Corinthians.

“Now in return for the same (I speak as to children),
you also be open.”
2 Corinthians 6:13

1. “Now in return for the same”

a) Paul asked only for reciprocation.
b) He had done his part in ministering to the Corinthian Church.
i) He led many to salvation in Christ.
ii) He taught many deep doctrines.
iii) He loved them and prayed for them.
iv) He had to correct the brethren when false teachings set in.
v) He had to admonish the brethren.
vi) He sought to reconcile the brethren back to God.
vii) He was the Lord’s faithful ambassador.
c) What would be an appropriate response?

2. “I speak as to children”

a) There should have been greater spiritual maturity.
b) But as yet, many were still spiritually “children”.
c) And they behaved badly as children!
i) As children who had not learned well.
ii) As children who knew only the basics of their faith.
iii) As children who were spiritually immature.

3. “You also be open”

a) This was the least the Corinthians should attempt.
b) Be open!
i) In evaluation of their actual spiritual state.
ii) In response to all that they had been taught.
iii) In response to the Spirit of God speaking to their conscience!