Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 108

"Beyond their ability..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 8:3


The Macedonian churches treasured the teaching of the doctrine of grace by Paul and his fellow labourers. They expressed their appreciation in an outstanding manner!

“For I bear witness that according to their ability,
yes, and beyond their ability, they were freely willing.”
2 Corinthians 8:3

1. “For I bear witness”

a) Paul solemnly declared that what he was writing was true.
b) He bore personal witness concerning the way in which the Macedonian churches gave.

2. Basic teaching concerning Giving

a) Inspired by examples
i) Abraham gave a tithe to King Melchizedek (Genesis 14:20).
ii) King David gave in abundance for the Temple project (1 Chronicles 29:3-5).
b) Instructed by precept
i) Command of the Lord to tithe. Deuteronomy 14:22
ii) Further instruction to care for the poor. Deuteronomy 15:7-11

3. According to their ability

a) This was all that was expected.
b) The Macedonian churches had learned how to give “according to their ability”.
i) According to their ability to earn.
ii) According to their ability to give of what they possessed.

4. “Yes, and beyond their ability”

a) This was what moved Paul’s heart.
b) The Macedonian churches went beyond what was expected.
c) What is “beyond their ability?”
i) They gave sacrificially.
ii) They may have given out of their savings.
iii) They may have taken on other jobs to make more money so that they could give more.

5. “They were freely willing”

a) This giving was not coerced in any way.
b) Out of their own volition, the Macedonian churches were giving to the Lord and His work.