Daily Devotions

2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 
Day 110

"They first gave themselves to the Lord..."

Text: 2 Corinthians 8:5


The Macedonian Christians stood out in their exemplary giving. What made them so outstanding?

“And not only as we had hoped,
but they first gave themselves to the Lord,
and then to us by the will of God.”
2 Corinthians 8:5

1. “And not only as we had hoped”

a) What had Paul hoped for the Macedonian Christians?
b) In the context of the trials and afflictions they had to suffer
i) Endurance
ii) Perseverance
iii) Steadfastness
iv) Faithfulness
c) That would be a lot to expect from the Macedonian believers.
d) But the believers in Macedonia surpassed expectations.

2. “But they first gave themselves to the Lord”

a) They must have learned the following lessons well.
i) To love the LORD their God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:29).
ii) They must have given their hearts to present their bodies a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2).
iii) They must have learned to live by faith (Romans 1:17).
b) The Thessalonian church was exemplary to all the cities in Macedonia (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7).
c) They grew in their faith and their love despite persecution (2 Thessalonians 1:3).
d) Their giving of themselves to the Lord was outstanding.

3. “And then to us by the will of God”

a) The Macedonian Churches went further.
b) They understood the significance of the ministry of Paul and his co-labourers.
c) They committed themselves to supporting Paul and his ministry.
d) Paul acknowledged this with deep appreciation.
e) He called this “the will of God”.
i) This was within the will of God.
ii) This was something that God Himself must have done in the hearts of the Macedonian believers.