Daily Devotions

2 John

2 John 
Day 2

"Whom I love in truth..."

Text: 2 John 1


The Apostle John is often called “the apostle of love”. He wrote extensively on this theme in 1 John. In this text, John demonstrates how he applied what he taught.

“Whom I love in truth, and not only I,
but also all those who have known the truth.”
2 John 1

1. “Whom I love”

a) John was not abashed to apply what he taught.
b) He was fully aware about what the Lord Jesus taught His disciples.
i) They were told to love one another.
ii) This was an express commandment from the Lord Jesus Christ (John 13:34-35).
c) John’s statement of love for the elect lady and her children.
i) This was not a romantic kind of love.
ii) This was pure spiritual love that reflects the teaching of the Lord Jesus.

2. “In truth”

a) John wisely added this qualifying phrase.
b) Pure love must be within the context of “the truth”.
i) This is in keeping with what the Lord Jesus stood for.
ii) The love that Jesus taught and demonstrated was always in the context of truth.

3. “And not only I”

a) This was not just the practice of the apostle John.
b) He and his fellow apostles practised this understanding of truth.

4. “But also all those who have known the truth”

a) John expanded his circle of reference.
b) There were many who had come to know the truth that Jesus taught.
c) These would be in full agreement of what John had written.
i) They would similarly practise what John did.
ii) They too would speak of love in truth.
iii) This was entirely wholesome and correct.
iv) The practice of love in the truth honours and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.