Daily Devotions

2 John

2 John 
Day 9

"That we love one another."

Text: 2 John 5


This commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ was one that filled the heart and mind of the Apostle John. This is clearly reflected in 1 John and also in 2 John.

“That we love one another.”
2 John 5

Let us look at how this word of encouragement may be read and understood in the light of 2 John 5.

1. “And now I plead with you, lady”

a) What was this plea?
b) “That we love one another.”

2. “Not as though I wrote a new commandment”

a) What would have been the new commandment if John were to write it?
b) It would be the same message: “That we love one another”.

3. “But that which we have had from the beginning”

a) And what was that commandment from the beginning?
b) The answer is obvious: “That we love one another”.


John had two things in mind even as he wrote this word of encouragement:-

1. The Focus

a) This was the focus of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) It is all too easy to lose this focus.
c) It was important to remind believers to remain true to this focus of the Lord Jesus.
d) It is only when we have love for one another that we prove ourselves true disciples of the Lord Jesus.

2. The Emphasis

a) There are many important doctrines the Lord Jesus taught.
b) The commandment to love one another was emphasised by the Lord Jesus (John 13:34-35; 15:9-10, 12-14).
c) It was all too easy to lose this love for one another.
i) The human heart does not find it easy to love another.
ii) We tend to be partial in our choices.
d) But there is no mistaking the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ.

True followers of the Lord would seek to keep this commandment.