Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 14

"After my decease"

Text: 2 Peter 1:15


The Apostle Peter had no legacy of wealth to leave behind. But he left something more significant than riches.

“Moreover I will be careful to ensure that
you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.”
2 Peter 1:15

1. “Moreover I will be careful to ensure”

a) The word “diligent” needs to be noted:

i) “Giving all diligence” 2 Peter 1:5

ii) “Be even more diligent” 2 Peter 1:10

b) The same word was used in 2 Peter 1:15.

i) It is translated this time by a whole phrase “be careful to ensure”.

ii) Peter was exercising the same diligence he enjoined his readers to employ.

iii) Diligence involves “carefulness”.

iv) Peter wanted to be very sure about what he had taught as deep truths.

2. “That you always have a reminder of these things after my decease”

a) “That you always have”

i) His epistles would help.

ii) It was not an uncommon practice to make copies of important epistles.

iii) Thus, the words of the Apostle Peter would be something they would always have.

b) “A reminder”

i) Peter did not see himself as an astute theologian.

ii) He also did not see himself as a great expositor of the Scriptures.

iii) He did not position himself as a very renown teacher.

iv) He saw his Epistles as a reminder.

v) His humility is truly outstanding.

c) “After my decease”

i) The word “decease” simply means “departure”.

ii) He came into this world and he now departs from it.

iii) He was given a tent for his soul and now he must leave his tent.

iv) His soul/ spirit would be with the Lord Jesus whom he had loved and served.

v) There was no deep personal sorrow or regret about his decease at all.

vi) Peter had learned well from his great Teacher and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.