Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 45

"One day is as a thousand years"

Text: 2 Peter 3:8


Man’s concept of time is limited by his own finiteness. We measure time in terms like, decades, centuries and even millennia.

However, it would be wrong to suppose that God’s concept of time is the same as ours. The false teachers reasoned from a totally human perspective. Peter disagreed!

“But, beloved, do not forget this one thing,
that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years,
and a thousand years as one day.”
2 Peter 3:8

1. “But, beloved”

a) The word “beloved” was used by Peter time and again.

b) He had cultivated his heart of love for his sheep.

2. “Do not forget this one thing”

a) It is easy enough to forget details.

b) Peter wanted to remind his brethren that they must not allow themselves to be forgetful.

i) Spiritual truths must be remembered.

ii) Precious truths must not be forgotten.

3. “That with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day”

a) What is time to a God who is not bound by time?

b) What is time in the context of eternity?

c) What is one millennium (“one thousand years”)?

i) To mankind, this is a long period of time.

ii) To God, it is but one day.

4. The context of this argument

a) The false teachers had argued that things have been almost the same since creation (2 Peter 3:4).

b) They doubted the fulfilling of the Lord’s promise of returning.

c) Years had passed and the Lord had not returned.

d) They concluded wrongly.