Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 48

"Since all these things will be dissolved"

Text: 2 Peter 3:11


Peter refused to speculate about the day of the Lord, the Second Coming of Christ. But he urged the brethren to respond positively to the truth the Lord Jesus had taught.

“Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved,
what manner of persons ought you to be
in holy conduct and godliness.”
2 Peter 3:11

1. “Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved”

a) A solemn statement was made again.

b) Peter confirms what he had written about destruction of the heavens and the earth.

i) He did not dispute the truth of the Second Coming of Christ.

ii) Neither did he question the awesome events that would take place.

iii) All things as we know them; they will be dissolved (destroyed).

2. “What manner of persons ought you to be”

a) This was an important question to raise up.

b) How we respond matters!

i) We have to ask what kind of a person we ought to be.

ii) It is not just a matter of doing things (activities).

iii) It is the lifestyle that we must adopt.

3. Holy conduct

a) Our behaviour matters.

b) Behaviour is seen in our conduct.

c) Our conduct should be marked by holiness.

4. And godliness

a) This word has the following nuances:

i) Sobriety

ii) Reverence

b) This word reinforces the call to practise “holy conduct”.