Daily Devotions

2 Peter

2 Peter 
Day 49

"The coming of the day of God"

Text: 2 Peter 3:12


There are two major aspects that we must take careful note of, as we learn about the Second Coming of Christ. To the unrighteous, the day of the Lord would be one of fearful judgment. To all true believers, the Second Coming of Christ is a joyous event.

“Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God,
because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire,
and the elements will melt with fervent heat?”
2 Peter 3:12

1. “Looking for”

a) This is an important perspective to have.

b) The phrase “looking for” has the following nuances:

i) We patiently wait for the Lord’s Second Coming.

ii) We diligently watch for His return with happy expectation.

2. “And hastening”

a) This word must be carefully understood.

b) We cannot actually “hasten” the Lord’s return.

c) The nuances to bear in mind would include:

i) We strive keenly to keep our conduct holy.

ii) We make every effort to practise godliness.

3. “Because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat”

a) “Because”

There is good reason why we must keep a strong focus on the Lord’s return.

b) Important reminders

i) With the coming of the Lord.

ii) The heavens would be dissolved.

iii) The elements will melt with fervent heat.