Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 29

"That they also may obtain the salvation..."

Text: 2 Timothy 2:10


We often take for granted our salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. The following are tendencies we commonly experience.

1. We do not think about our salvation.

2. We do not even fully understand the salvation God has given us.

3. We seldom feel the need or desire to share about our salvation with others.



We have a great example in the apostle Paul with reference to his sense of commitment to share with others the salvation the Lord offers.

“Therefore I endure all things for the sake of the elect,
that they also may obtain the salvation
which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.”
2 Timothy 2:10

1. The salvation that God offers

a) Christ Jesus the Lord
i) “Jesus”
His name means “Salvation”.
ii) “Christ”
This is His title. This title signifies that He is the Anointed One of God.
b) Salvation
i) Saved from sin.
ii) Saved from judgment and the penalty of our sins.
iii) Saved from the wrath of God.
iv) Saved from the power and influence of Satan.
v) Saved to live a meaningful and fruitful life.


2. “That they also may obtain the salvation”

a) Paul saw how many were gripped by a life of sin.
b) With all his heart he wanted to share the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus.
c) He was a recipient of the salvation that he now proclaimed with all his might.


3. “With eternal glory”

a) Our salvation is indeed full of glory.
b) The salvation we have has eternal significance.