Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 31

"If we deny Him..."

Text: 2 Timothy 2:12


The following text requires special consideration. There are some texts that are more puzzling than others.

“If we deny Him, He also will deny us.”

2 Timothy 2:12b

1. Conditional Sentences

We have “a conditional sentence” in this statement.

a) This is the first part of a conditional sentence (Called “the protasis”).
b) In a conditional sentence there must be a second part (Called “the apodosis”).
c) On the surface both parts appear straightforward.
d) If there is denial of the Lord, then one must expect denial from the Lord.


2. Exceptions to the rule

a) Are there exceptions to the rule?
b) Mercifully, the answer is “Yes”.


3. The Apostle Peter’s denial of the Lord Jesus

a) The Lord Jesus declared to His disciples that they would be stumbled and be scattered at the time of His betrayal (Matthew 26:31).
b) The apostle Peter retorted with a strong word that he would never be stumbled(Matthew 26:33).
c) The Lord Jesus warned Peter that he would make three denials (Matthew 26:34).
d) Peter insisted that even if everyone else was stumbled he would be true (Matthew 26:35).
e) Time would show that what the Lord Jesus said was true!
f) Peter denied the Lord three times (Matthew 26:70, 72, 74).


4. Did the Lord Jesus deny Peter?

a) The Lord Jesus sought to restore Peter (John 21).
b) There was hope yet!


5. Fulfilment of 2 Timothy 2:12

a) When denial is deliberate and not caused by weakness.
b) When all attempts at restoration are rejected.
c) When people stubbornly reject repentance.
d) Then the Lord would have to deny the individual.