Daily Devotions
2 Timothy
"Lovers of pleasure..."
Text: 2 Timothy 3:4
The apostle Paul must have felt he needed to warn Timothy that these problems will emerge more and more in the last days. Timothy would have to be strong enough to cope with all these challenges.
17. “Haughty”
a) This describes a person who is swollen with pride.
b) He is full of himself.
c) The use of the Perfect tense idea suggests that this state of mind has been there for a long time.
d) Arrogance expresses itself in haughtiness.
18. “Lovers of pleasures”
a) Paul used a significant compound word here.
i) The first component is “love”.
ii) The second component is “hedonism” (which already suggests that the person is a pleasure seeker).
iii) The combined impact is very stark and staggering.
b) These individuals
i) They indulge in seeking pleasures.
ii) They do not exercise much self-control, or self-discipline.
19. More than lovers of God
a) This was offered as a contrast.
b) This was also a compound word.
i) The first component word is “love”.
ii) The second component is “God”.
c) More than
i) Suggests that a comparison may be made.
ii) Love for pleasure versus love for God.
iii) To these hedonistic people, it is the love for pleasure that marks their lifestyle.
These were written clearly and carefully so that Timothy may be effectively warned. If these are church-goers, they will add nothing to the growth of the Church. Instead they pose a great danger to the church because they can cause conflicts. Much wisdom and strength must be found to cope with these carnal “church goers”.