Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 62


Text: 2 Timothy 3:10


There is no question as to the intellectual strength of the Apostle Paul. His doctrines display a fine and astute mind. There is also no doubt that Paul possessed “a great faith” that few attained. These things affected his “manner of life”. He became a person who had a great sense of purpose in life.

1. The virtue of longsuffering

a) The Greek word offers important insight (“makrothumia”).
i) Longsuffering involves intense feelings.
ii) It is a virtue that develops over time.
iii) It is not easily acquired.
iv) It expresses itself best in the form of “patience”.
v) Longsuffering and patience are synonyms.
vi) Other words in the semantic field would include “meekness”,
“gentleness” and “kindness”.
b) The acquisition of the virtue of “longsuffering”.
i) This word is best learned only in the experiences of life.
ii) In Paul’s suffering he learned this virtue till it became a very real part of his life.

2. The lack of “longsuffering” shows itself in the following:-

a) Impatience
b) Impetuousness
c) Immaturity

3. The significance of being “longsuffering” in life and ministry

a) Reflective of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Deep inner man strength:-
i) Strength in mind
ii) Strength in spirit
iii) Strength to cope in difficult circumstances of life
c) Mature patience when dealing with the vagaries of life


This is needed in every aspect of life and ministry. It is a virtue that is worth cultivating. It will be a significant and outstanding characteristic of an outstanding servant of God. It will enable him to serve the Lord with special dignity for all his life.