Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 82

"Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering..."

Text: 2 Timothy 4:2


The Apostle Paul taught Timothy how to preach effectively. Three aspects were highlighted. This word of advice must have come from Paul’s great personal experience as a preacher for the Lord.

“Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.”

2 Timothy 4:2

1. “Convince”

a) There is a general reference of the need to preach convincingly.
b) There is also a specific reference to the following situations:-
i) To convince people of their errors.
ii) The context here suggests that Paul bore in mind the false brethren infiltrating the church.
c) This may appear as “negative”.
d) But this work must be done.

2. “Rebuke”

a) This is where reproof must be administered.
b) It is speaking sternly to those who are in the wrong.
i) Errors need to be pointed out and addressed.
ii) Words of warning are sometimes necessary.
c) Many shy away from this difficult and often unpleasant task.
d) Yet this is a necessary part of the preaching ministry.

3. “Exhort”

a) This is a ministry of encouragement.
b) The word of God is positive.
i) Errors must of course be addressed.
ii) If there is repentance then this word of encouragement can be given.
c) Being encouraging is not easy to sustain.
i) The preacher must himself possess that spirit of encouragement.
ii) The giving of encouraging words must be within the context of truth.
iii) No word of encouragement can be given if the individual remains defiant to the call of repentance from erroneous teaching and practices.