Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 85

"According to their own desires..."

Text: 2 Timothy 4:4


The apostle Paul had many encounters with false teachers and false brethren. He desired very much that Timothy would take heed of the dangers that would arise. Timothy cannot afford to be naive in life and ministry.

“But according to their own desires,
because they have itching ears,
they will heap up for themselves teachers.”
2 Timothy 4:3

1. The spread of false teachings

a) Whose fault?
b) Paul highlighted two problems:-
i) False teachers
ii) Foolish people

2. Foolish “believers”

a) These may be “believers”.
b) They may be attending church regularly.
c) But they are unwise.

3. How false teachers will always be able to proliferate

a) Partly because they know how to deceive.
b) Partly because unwise believers open the doors for the false teachers.

4. Features highlighted:-

a) Unwise and immature “believers” are led by their desires.
b) They have “itching ears”.
i) They have an inclination to hear things.
ii) They open themselves up for deception.
c) They will heap up for themselves teachers.
d) They will not be satisfied with “sound doctrines”. They will look for “unhealthy junk food”.

As long as there are people who remain naive and foolish, false teachers will continue to flourish!