Daily Devotions

40 Days and 40 Nights

40 Days and 40 Nights 
Day 12

"Into the wilderness..."

Text: Matthew 4:1


The prophetic Scriptures had stated very clearly what the public ministry of the Messiah would be like (Isaiah 42, 49, 53, 61). His ministry would be a very challenging one indeed! A lesser person would have baulked at the description of such an extensive and difficult ministry!


All the synoptic Gospel writers noted that the Spirit of God led the Lord Jesus into the wilderness. Let us ponder the significance of this wilderness experience.

1. The word “wilderness”

a) It may be translated “desert”.
b) Mark added that there were “wild beasts” in this region (Mark 1:13).
c) It was translated as “a solitary place” (Mark 1:35).

2. Many challenges to face

a) Solitude
i) Not many people can take solitude of this nature.
ii) There would be no human contact of any kind in any way.
b) Harsh physical conditions
i) Being a desert area there would be no amenities available.
ii) Jesus would have to “rough it out”.
iii) Very hot in the day.
iv) Very cold at night.

3. Surviving 40 Days and 40 Nights in the wilderness

a) He would have to be physically rugged and strong.
b) He would have to be very strong mentally.
c) He would also have to be very socially strong to cope with deprivation of human contact.
d) He would need to be spiritually strong to cope with sojourn that long.


The growth of Jesus was noted by the gospel writer Luke. The fact that Jesus grew in strength must not be taken for granted.

“And the Child grew and became strong in spirit,
filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.”
Luke 2:40

The strength of Jesus would be sorely tested in the wilderness! God’s grace would be needed. The empowering of the Spirit of God would be of great importance.