Daily Devotions
"Woe to you who put far off the day of doom"
Text: Amos 6:3
The Day of the Lord was mentioned in Amos 5:18, 20. It was also called “the day of doom”.
“Woe to you who put far off the day of doom,
Who cause the seat of violence to come near.”
Amos 6:3
1. Series of “woes” pronounced
a) To those who mistakenly assume that the Day of the Lord would mean “deliverance” (Amos 5:18).
b) To those who think that the Day of the Lord would be “light”. It would be “darkness” (Amos 5:20).
c) To those who think that they could put far off the Day of the Lord.
i) They would be badly mistaken in this assumption.
ii) Some may have thought it would not happen in their lifetime.
iii) Some others may have thought the Lord would change His mind and grant mercy instead.
2. “The Day of doom”
a) This Day was associated with “doom” rather than “deliverance”.
b) It would be “Judgment Day” (Amos 4:12).
c) The Day of doom was far nearer than they had realised.
3. “Who cause the seat of violence to come near”
a) What was this “seat of violence?”
b) The word “seat” may be a reference to those who sat in judgment of people.
i) The rulers
ii) The princes
iii) The judges/magistrates
iv) Essentially all who were given seats of power to uphold justice.
c) The seat of violence to come near
i) Abuse of power took place.
ii) Violence was used wantonly.
iii) The poor were victimised.
iv) Violence was used as a means of severe punishment.
v) The judgment had been brought near to those they punished and often unfairly.
The judgment of God would also be brought near to those who were guilty of gross abuse!