Daily Devotions




1. The Author of the Epistle to the Colossians

a) The apostle Paul is the author of the Epistle to the Colossians (Colossians 1:1).
b) This is known as a “prison epistle” because Paul wrote this while he was a prisoner in Rome.

2. Colosse

a) This was a city in Phrygia.
b) Phrygia was a Roman colony.
c) Largely Gentile population.
d) It also had a strong Jewish community.

3. Founder of the Church at Colosse

a) Paul was not the founder of the Church at Colosse.
b) Epaphras may have been the founder of the Church (Colossians 1:5-7).

4. Major problem in the Church at Colosse

a) It was affected by a heresy (commonly called “Incipient Gnosticism”).
i) The Deity of Christ was questioned.
ii) Secret knowledge was essential to true salvation.
b) This heresy had a Jewish flavour.
i) Circumcision was necessary for salvation.
ii) Jewish regulations and feast days must be kept.

5. Paul as an Apologist

a) Paul wrote to the Colossians to defend the historic apostolic faith.
b) He also wrote to refute the erroneous teachings of incipient Gnosticism.
c) His focus was to present a strong Christo-centric Theology.

6. Relevance of Colossians today

a) Let us learn deep lessons about how we may defend our faith.
b) Let us seek to develop a Christ-centred faith.
c) Let us seek to grow in knowledge and wisdom found in the Lord Jesus Christ.