Daily Devotions


Day 25

"From the hand of God"

Text: Ecclesiastes 2:24


Solomon mentioned God sparingly in the first two chapters of Ecclesiastes. His approach was to attempt to fathom the meaning of life’s existence from a human perspective. He did not advance very far with this approach. He could not dispel the sense of despair that threatened to overwhelm his heart and mind.


Inevitably, he found that he could not but mention “the hand of God” in man’s existence. He could not exclude God in his considerations!

“Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink,
and that his soul should enjoy good in his labour.
This also, I saw, was from the hand of God.
For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, more than I?”
Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

1. “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labour”

a) There were some who are overly caught up with work.
b) The consequences:
i) No energy (too tired)
ii) No time
iii) Too many worries about the future.
c) Wisdom shared: “Nothing is better”
i) To take time to enjoy eating and drinking.
ii) Having a meal is not merely eating to stay alive.
iii) Mealtimes can be meaningful and enjoyable.
iv) Indeed, one may say, “nothing is better” than having a meal.
v) Thus, each time we have a meal we “say grace” to express appreciation for God’s provision.

2. “And that his soul should enjoy good in his labour”

a) The level of enjoyment can reach the level of the soul.
b) It is through hard work that one is able to enjoy good food.
c) Wisdom shared:
i) To look at labour and to rejoice.
ii) One must be able to enjoy the fruit of one’s labour.

3. “This also, I saw, was from the hand of God”

a) “The hand of God”
i) It is the hand of approval for working hard.
ii) It is the hand of blessing of God for labouring faithfully.
b) God wants the labourer:
i) To enjoy the fruit of his labour.
ii) He wants man to rejoice in the work he does.

4. “For who can eat, or who can have enjoyment, more than I?”

a) Personal application
i) Solomon applies this wisdom to himself.
ii) He has every reason to enjoy the fruit of his labour.
b) Fighting feelings of despair:
i) Solomon knew that he had to fight his feelings of despair.
ii) Bringing in God’s perspective was a wise thing to do.