Daily Devotions


Day 38

"And God requires an account of what is past"

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:15


One of life’s sobering thoughts must be that we are all accountable to God!

“That which is has already been,
And what is to be has already been;
And God requires an account of what is past.”
Ecclesiastes 3:15

1. The construction of the sentences is a little complex.

2. We are reminded of what Solomon had written earlier.

“That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be done.”
Ecclesiastes 1:9

3. “That which is has already been”

a) The present reflects much of the past.
b) Many are overly taken up with the present.
c) How is the past and present connected?
i) The past will affect the present.
ii) The present is often the fruit of the past.
d) This is not merely a cyclical reality.
e) It is a sobering thought that the present is affected by the past.

4. “And what is to be has already been”

a) The future is also affected by the past.
b) The past will affect:
i) The present.
ii) It will also affect the future of things.
c) This is obvious as we study how war has affected everyone.
i) War results in the slaying of many.
ii) It affects the present and the future.
iii) Sometimes, it affects the distant future.

5. “And God requires an account of what is past”

a) The past is not just buried out of sight forever.
b) We have to account for the past to God one day.

6. The problem of our sins

a) Our sins will affect our lives.
b) Thus, sins must be brought to the Lord
i) For cleansing.
ii) For forgiveness.
iii) For pardon.
iv) Or punitive action will take place in the future.

7. God reserves the prerogative

a) To begin a new work.
b) To bring about a new wonderful future.
c) Our part is to practise accountability to the Lord.