Daily Devotions


Day 43

"Who knows the spirit of the sons of men?"

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:21


Solomon devoted much time to studying the activities of men. However, he had not fully comprehended the question of “the spirit” of men and animals. Hence, he was unable to provide significant thoughts on this matter.

“Who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upward,
and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth?”
Ecclesiastes 3:21

1. “Who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upward”

a) “Who knows”
i) Solomon expresses his lack of knowledge on this matter.
ii) As far as he knows, nobody was an authority on this subject.
b) The spirit of man
i) God was the One who gave to man His spirit.
ii) He breathed into Man “the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7).
iii) This breath of life is called “the spirit”.
c) “Which goes upward”
i) Solomon assumes that the spirit returns to God at death.
ii) Man’s spirit must go somewhere.
iii) This spirit is not made of dust.
iv) The answer is not found in Ecclesiastes but elsewhere in the Scriptures.

2. “And the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth”

a) Animals do not have a spirit like that of man.
b) Animals may have their own personalities.
c) Animals die and the flesh returns to dust.
d) Solomon was unsure on this subject.


1. Resurrection of the dead

“And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to everlasting life,
Some to shame and everlasting contempt.”
Daniel 12:2

a) The word “sleep” means “death”.
b) The word “awake” refers to the resurrection of the dead.
c) Two possible destinations noted:
i) Some would receive everlasting life.
ii) Others would have everlasting shame and contempt.

2. A wonderful promise of the Lord Jesus Christ

“Most assuredly, I say to you,
he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life,
and shall not come into judgment,
but has passed from death into life.”
John 5:24

a) Everlasting life is promised to those who believe in Him.
b) They would not come into judgment.
c) They have passed from death to life.