Daily Devotions


Day 65

"Riches kept for their owner to his hurt"

Text: Ecclesiastes 5:13


Solomon continued with his observations about how people regarded wealth. There are those who worked very hard to obtain wealth. But the wealthy do not seem happier by much.

“There is a severe evil which I have seen under the sun:
Riches kept for their owner to his hurt.”
Ecclesiastes 5:13

1. The word “evil”

a) The most common idea is its association with:
i) Wickedness
ii) Iniquity
b) The expressions of evil are often seen in:
i) Oppression
ii) Bloodshed
iii) Injustice

2. “There is a severe evil which I have seen under the sun”

a) This was something that Solomon had “seen under the sun”.
b) He called this “a severe evil”.

3. “Riches kept for their owner to his own hurt”

a) He described those who were obviously wealthy.
i) They had “riches”.
ii) There was abundance of riches (Ecclesiastes 5:12).
b) But the wealth was just “kept” for themselves.
i) There was no thought for others.
ii) There was no concern for the poor and needy.
c) To their own hurt
i) To the hurt of their name (reputation).
ii) To the hurt of their soul.
iii) This hurt can be very deep and long-lasting in impact.