Daily Devotions
"For who knows what is good for man in life?"
Text: Ecclesiastes 6:12
One of the dangers that we must face comes from a feeling of despair. We must learn how we can battle despair effectively.
“For who knows what is good for man in life,
all the days of his vain life which he passes like a shadow?
Who can tell a man what will happen after him under the sun?”
Ecclesiastes 6:12
1. “For who knows what is good for man in life”
a) This is an unnecessary line of thought.
b) We do know what is good for man in life.
i) The Scriptures inform us.
ii) The Spirit of God guides us.
iii) We have seen what is good in the experiences of our life.
c) Despair tends to make us:
i) Challenge our faith in God.
ii) Cause doubts to come and cloud our minds with dark clouds.
d) Let us reject feelings of despair right at the start!
2. “All the days of his vain life which he passes like a shadow?”
a) Our days need not be lived in vain.
b) Compared to eternity, human life is indeed like a shadow.
c) But the years of our life can be:
i) Significant
ii) Fruitful
iii) Fulfilling
Let us never allow despair to take hold of our heart and mind. Let us make our life on earth count for the Lord.
3. “Who can tell a man what will happen after him under the sun?”
a) We cannot tell what will happen after we pass on.
b) But that is not our responsibility!
c) Let us not allow negativity to creep in.
d) Let us focus on what we can do in our lifetime!
i) Seek to cultivate a stronger faith.
ii) Endeavour to seek wisdom.
iii) Live for the Lord with joy and gratitude.
We do not have to give in to thoughts that lead us to despair!
Let us enjoy the blessings God has given to us!
Let our hearts be filled with joyous praise!