Daily Devotions


Day 100

"Also do not take to heart everything people say"

Text: Ecclesiastes 7:21


Sometimes, we can become overly sensitive and we are too easily upset by what we hear. One example was cited in this text.

“Also do not take to heart everything people say,
Lest you hear your servant cursing you.
For many times, also, your own heart has known
That even you have cursed others.”
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22

1. “Also do not take to heart everything people say”

a) To take to heart
i) It describes one who is easily affected.
ii) This may be called “being overly sensitive”.
b) “Everything people say”
i) It is common practice to hear people passing remarks.
ii) Many comments are passed by people in general.
c) Common comments
i) Some comments are general in nature.
ii) Other comments are more personal.
iii) Still other comments may be positive and heart-warming.
iv) But negative comments often bring about bad responses.

2. “Lest you hear your servant cursing you”

a) We like hearing good comments.
b) But there may be occasions when we hear bad comments.
c) We may hear servants speaking bad things behind our backs.
d) In fact, they may be “cursing”.

3. It is all too easy to resort to hasty and nasty reaction

a) The servant may be severely reproached.
b) The master may even harm the servant who curses him.

4. “For many times, also, your own heart has known that even you have cursed others”

a) It is good to pause to remember.
b) Have we not been guilty of cursing others?
c) What we experience may be what we have done to others.

5. Lessons to ponder over

a) Is it not wise to be sure that we are not overly sensitive to comments?
b) It is also good to take stock of our words spoken too freely and sometimes hurtful.
c) If we have spoken ill of others, why should we be so sensitive to those who speak against us?