Daily Devotions


Day 109

"A wise man's heart discerns both time and judgment"

Text: Ecclesiastes 8:5


As a ruler, the king will from time to time, make known certain royal decisions. But any matter can always be understood from many perspectives. There will be loyal supporters. But there will also be detractors who will question and oppose the king.

“He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful;
And a wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgment.”
Ecclesiastes 8:5

1. “He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful”

a) There will be those who will keep the commandments of the king.

i) They are loyal.

ii) They willingly give support to the king.

iii) They will keep (obey) his commands.

b) “Will experience nothing harmful”

i) These loyal subjects need never live in fear.

ii) They will not be harmed by the king.

iii) Their loyalty is appreciated.

2. “And a wise man’s heart”

a) How should one respond to the king and his commands?

b) The best response is one allied to “a wise man’s heart”.

c) A wise man is not one who obeys blindly.

d) He is supportive of the king because he understands the king’s commands.

3. “Discerns both time and judgment”

a) There are a few things the wise man applies.

b) He applies “discernment”.

i) He needs to look beyond the mere pronouncement of the commands.

ii) He seeks deeper issues beneath the commands.

c) He understands and applies the idea of “time”.

i) Time is a major component.

ii) All matters ultimately involve this element.

iii) The wise person factors in the angle of time.

d) He also understands the element of “judgment”.

i) This would stem from discernment.

ii) It would involve a decision on his part.

iii) He must make a judgment, in this case, a stance to be taken.

e) With all these factors, the wise man decides to keep the king’s commands.

i) He respects the king for his wisdom.

ii) He also has regard for his authority as a king.

iii) He knows that the king needs as much support as he can get.

iv) In wisdom and discernment, he gives the due support to the king’s commands.