Daily Devotions


Day 24

"Which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence."

Text: Ephesians 1:8


Would you think that “all wisdom” would be needed for God to express His grace to sinful man? If man is badly in need of God’s grace, then just abundance of grace would be sufficient. In Paul’s understanding this was not the case. He highlighted two intriguing ways in which God applied His rich and abundant grace to hapless man.

“In all wisdom (“Sophia”) and prudence” (“phronesis”- insight)

Perhaps an illustration of how Jesus won the hearts of His disciples may serve to illustrate the wisdom and prudence that were employed with the grace that was extended.

1. The Two Disciples of John the Baptiser (John 1:37-39)

Jesus entered into conversation with these two ardent disciples of John the Baptiser and they became convinced that He was indeed “The Lamb of God”.

2. Simon Peter (John 1:40-42)

He was brought to the Lord Jesus by his brother Andrew. One encounter with Jesus convinced him that Jesus was indeed “Master” (Cf. Luke 5:1-11). A brother’s concern did not convince Peter. It was the wise application of grace that saw Peter thoroughly converted

3. Nathanael (John 1:44-51)

Nathanael was not initially impressed with the piece of knowledge that his good friend Philip shared with him. He had announced Jesus as coming from Nazareth. But all that changed the moment Jesus talked to him. Nathanael was astonished as he listened to Jesus speaking to him. His conclusion?

“Rabbi, You are the Son of God!
You are the king of Israel!”
JOHN 1:49

These three instances cited do not exhaust the way in which Jesus extended His grace “in all wisdom and prudence”. He did not apply grace crudely. He was gentle and sensitive even as He lovingly extended grace to each individual.


Paul preached the Gospel in many countries. He must have been surprised at the way different people responded to the message of the Gospel. Not all can be won to the Lord in the same fashion. Great carefulness and wisdom must be employed to make the Gospel message come alive and appealing to the hearers so that they would respond appropriately.

The Jewish community responded to the message quite differently than the Gentiles. They were diametrically opposed to each other, as far as religious inclinations were concerned. Yet, the same Gospel message spoke to the hearts of both groups and they found they could worship together as the Body of Christ.

It is only through careful reflection that Paul realized just how God caused His grace to abound toward all. God was able to touch so many hearts of man because He gently applied great wisdom and prudence to individual hearts.