Daily Devotions


Day 115

"In whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord."

Text: Ephesians 2:21


What did Paul have in mind as he wrote about the growth of the holy temple? We may think of at least four different dimensions as we ponder the idea of Church Growth.

1. Numerical growth

Growth may be measured with reference to numbers. The historian Luke noted the physical growth of the Church in the Book of Acts.

a) The founding members of the Church in Jerusalem

Luke noted that there were only one hundred and twenty disciples when the Church began in Jerusalem (Cf. Acts 1:15).

b) The phenomenal growth of the Church after Pentecost

He carefully noted how the Church grew rapidly to three thousand (Cf. Acts 2:41).

c) Further growth of the Church

Luke was obviously tracing the numerical growth of the Jerusalem Church. He noted that the numbers went up to five thousand men (not including the women and children- Cf. Acts 4:4).

2. Geographical Expansion

Luke also noted the growth of the Church from Jerusalem to Samaria (Acts 8). After the Lord brought in Paul to serve as His apostle to the Gentiles, the Church expanded mightily (Acts 13-28)

3. Transcending Racial Barriers

In the Book of Acts, Luke traced the growth of the Church in the wake of the ministries of two outstanding apostles.

a) Ministry to the Jews

The apostle Peter’s ministry was essentially tied up with the Jewish quarter.

b) Ministry to the Gentiles

The apostle Paul had an outstanding ministry reaching out to the Gentiles.

4. Theological Growth

The Church grew theologically as well.

a) Old Testament Theology

The Church shared deep theological roots with the Jews

b) New Testament Theology

With the advent of the Church, and the vibrant ministry of the Apostles, before too long, a New Testament Theology developed.