Daily Devotions


Day 84

"Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh- who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands-"

Text: Ephesians 2:11


Many things divide people, unfortunately. The following are probably among the topmost reasons for causing division among people.

1. Ethnicity (and culture)

2. Politics

3. Religion

Paul was very frank and candid in the way he wrote about the problem that hurt and threatened the early New Testament Church.


Paul’s writing reveals the fact that he was familiar with the problem between Jews and Gentiles. He was himself a Jew and he had been taught from young to regard people from other ethnic and religious persuasions as “Uncircumcision”. However, he did not write as one who favoured “the Circumcision”. His understanding of the great plan of salvation in Christ changed his perspective of people permanently.


A brief background may prove useful in our understanding of the controversy that raged in the early New Testament era.

1. The first Church in Jerusalem (Acts 1)

This Church was entirely Jewish, from the apostles downwards to the youngest member.

2. Expansion of the Church to include the Samaritans (Acts 8)

Traditionally, the Jews had great difficulties with the Samaritans. They despised each other and would prefer to have no dealing with each other if possible (Cf. John 4:9)

3. Expansion of the Church to Gentiles (Acts 10)

This was a very difficult concept to understand. Strong Jewish factions took the apostle Peter to task when he ministered to Cornelius, a gentile centurion (Cf. Acts 10-11). It took a lot of convincing before from Peter and his team before the Church in Jerusalem could accept that Gentiles were included in God’s plan of salvation.

4. A thorny issue with some (Acts 15)

There was a group of Judaizers who insisted that Gentiles could not be accepted simply because they believed in the Lord Jesus. There was strong insistence that Gentiles kept all Jewish laws and observance. It took no less than the convening of a special Council in Jerusalem to resolve this controversy. The conclusion of the Council was that Gentiles did not have to keep Jewish laws and customs for any reason. The salvation Christ offers is all sufficient.