Daily Devotions
"How that by revelation He made known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already…)"
Text: Ephesians 3:3
The gospel that Paul espoused had many features that made it most distinctive. One of the most significant features must be this statement, “by revelation”. What did Paul mean by this statement? In his epistle to the Galatians, where he defended the Gospel he preached, he wrote with great conviction.
“But I make known to you, brethren,
that the Gospel which was preached by me
is not according to man.
For I neither received it from man,
nor was I taught it, but it came
through the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
In four carefully articulated phrases, Paul defines what he meant when he used the phrase, “by revelation”.
1. “Not according to man”
Paul was a trained rabbi. He had been taught great scholastic skills that would have enabled him to reason “according to man”. But he sent out a strong disclaimer. His gospel was not something he concocted!
2. “Neither received it from man”
It was not unusual for a person to receive instruction from a famous rabbi. The pupil would count it his privilege to have sat at the feet of a famous personage. His duty, indeed his privilege, would have been to identify himself with his great teacher. Others would know that he had received his training from that famous teacher, from features that would be reminiscent of that teacher. Though Paul sat at the feet of the famous Gamaliel, he could not say that he had learned his doctrines from his erstwhile teacher.
3. “Nor was I taught it”
It is not wrong to speak of having been taught. Paul was not speaking against the idea of having been taught by others. The Gospel to the Gentiles, that he expounded was something that none of the apostles emphasized.
The other apostles would not withhold the Gospel from the Gentiles. If there were occasions to preach to the Gentiles, they would. However, the advancement of outreach to the Gentiles, was Paul’s distinctive ministry. Indeed, he may well proclaim that “he was not taught it”.
4. “Through the revelation of Jesus Christ”
How did Paul come up with what seemed so revolutionary? He forcefully declared that his understanding of the Gospel to the Gentiles came about “through the revelation of Jesus Christ”. He called upon none other than the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, as he thought about the Gospel. Not only did the Lord Jesus personally appear to him to give him salvation, He also continued to teach Paul personally. This was no small claim at all! This was a bold declaration. Paul staked everything he had known and taught upon this claim- that Jesus Himself revealed his Gospel to the Gentiles!