Daily Devotions


Day 284

"For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the Church; and He is the Saviour of the body."

Text: Ephesians 5:23


As we study the text carefully, we note Paul’s use of “comparison”. This is an important hermeneutic (interpretational principle) device that we must consider carefully. What are some important things we must take note of?

1. The Main Figure in Comparison

The main figure is obviously the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. The Example of the Lord Jesus Christ

The purpose of the comparison is to point to the example of the Lord Jesus Christ. The husband is of course challenged to emulate the example of Christ.


Yes, the husband is appointed “head of the wife”. Note also that Christ is “head of the Church”. Both appointments obviously come from God the Father. We now need to consider the relationship between “comparison” and “appointment”.

1. Appointments cannot be taken outside its intended context.

2. Appointments must be understood well within the context of comparison.

3. Appointments applied outside the context of comparison is questionable.


It is safe to make the following statements:-

1. That Christ was first Saviour before He assumed Headship of the Church.

2. Wrapped within the idea of His Saviourhood are the following details that must be highlighted:-

a) The tremendous suffering that Jesus experienced to become Saviour.
b) The tremendous love that He possessed to pursue His Mission as Saviour.

3. The Issue of the Headship of Christ

a) This is not just a point of honour {although honour is certainly implied (Cf. Philippians 2:5-11)
b) It is a role that has great responsibilities attached.