Daily Devotions


Day 288

"That He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish."

Text: Ephesians 5:27


As Paul wrote, giving strong advice to those who were in the married state, he had in mind, the relationship between the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church. It is wise to bear this thought in mind- the special relationship between the Saviour and His church.

It helps to bear in mind the love of Christ for His bride, the Church. Much encouragement and strength may be obtained through dwelling on this thought.


Husbands may learn much from the Lord Jesus about setting goals for the family. It is fascinating to learn about the goals that Jesus set for Himself with reference to the Church.

1. Personal responsibility

Jesus took personal responsibility with reference to His work and with reference to the sanctification of the Church. The phrase, “that He might present her to Himself” (“hina parastese auten heauto”) is most significant:-

a) It speaks of how Jesus holds Himself responsible to the growth of the Bride (Church).
b) It speaks of His commitment to His church. (He will present the church to Himself)!
c) It hints at the endeavours He would make to help the Church be sanctified.

2. The highest goals

Despite the fact that Jesus was fully aware of many problems confronting Him, He was nevertheless committed to the highest goals.

a) He would have nothing less than “a glorious church”.
b) He would have a church that does not have “spot or wrinkle”.
c) He would preserve the holiness of the Church in every way possible.
d) He would see that the Church would be “without blemish”.


These lessons of how Jesus loved the Church were meant to be applied in personal, practical daily life. All Christian husbands must feel challenged to emulate the stirring example of the Lord Jesus Christ. All Christian wives must also feel deeply moved to submit herself willingly to such a husband who seeks to walk in the ways of the Lord.