Daily Devotions


Day 109

"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am Your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

Text: Exodus 14 : 19-20


The children of Israel need not have worried in the least! Their God was with them! He who was omniscient and omnipotent would not fail them! Were they afraid of the fast-approaching army and chariots of Egypt? The Lord had a plan to forestall them.

“And the Angel of God, who went before the camp of Israel,
moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud went
from before them and stood behind them. So it came between
the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. Thus it was
a cloud and darkness to the one, and it gave light by night
to the other, so that the one did not come near the other
that night.”
EXODUS 14:19-20

1. The Angel of God

This might well be the Angel of the LORD who appeared to both Hagar and Abraham (Cf. Genesis 21:17; 22:11, 15). This Personage would then be the Pre-incarnate Christ ministering alongside His Father as His “Angel” or “Messenger”.

2. Pillar of cloud and Pillar of Fire

Both represented the glory of the LORD! They were symbols of God’s Presence with His people! They indicated that He was leading them and protecting them! This is the kind of ministry that the Lord Jesus would readily identify with!

3. Special protection from the Lord

The children of Israel need not have feared at all! Had they not seen the light that led them by night and the pillar of cloud by day? These pillars were “alive”. They moved ahead of the children of Israel. If the pillars could move ahead to lead them, could they not move to the back so that they are fully protected from possible attacks by the Egyptians? That was exactly what the Angel of God did. He moved to the back of the camp of Israel and stood between them and the fast approaching Egyptian army!

4. Light and Darkness!

The Angel of God did something that no one had thought of! On the one hand, light was provided for the children of Israel to march at night. On the other hand, there was darkness at the camp of the Egyptians. No military commander would give the command to advance if there was deep darkness all around! It was dangerous to attempt to move ahead! The chariots might collide into each other, and that would not do! The Egyptians were prevented from making further advance that night!


God sought to teach the children of Israel many deep and rich spiritual lessons all this while. They must seek to strengthen their faith! It was still a long way to Canaan!