Daily Devotions


Day 1

"I saw visions of God"

Text: Ezekiel 1:1


It is important that we note historical references as we begin our reading of the book of Ezekiel. These references would help us understand Ezekiel as a prophet of God.

“Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year,
in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month,
as I was among the captives by the River Chebar,
that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.”
Ezekiel 1:1

1. “In the thirtieth year”

a) This is most likely a reference to the age of the prophet Ezekiel.

b) A priest or a Levite commences ministry at 30 years of age (Numbers 4:3).

2. “Among the captives”

a) Ezekiel noted that he was among the captives.

b) The Babylonians exiled all Jews from Judah.

c) They were scattered throughout the Babylonian Empire.

3. “The River Chebar”

a) This was one of the canals that flowed from Babylon.

b) Many of the devout Jews would gather by a river (canal) for the purpose
of worship and fellowship with fellow exiled Jews.

4. Exiled to Babylon

a) This was forewarned by Jeremiah the prophet (Jeremiah 25:1-14).

b) This period of Exile would last 70 years (Jeremiah 25:12).

c) Ezekiel was one of the captives taken to Babylon.

5. Visions revealed to Ezekiel.

a) The heavens were opened.

b) Ezekiel was given special visions of heaven and God.

6. The significance

a) Heaven was the new reality for Ezekiel rather than the Temple in Jerusalem.

b) His ministry would not be as a temple priest.

c) He would become a prophet of the LORD instead.

d) He would be given visions from God.

i) This would deepen his faith.

ii) It would result in greater comprehension of God.

iii) He would become a consecrated prophet of the LORD.